11 Apr 2017 Sony released firmware 4.55 for Playstation 4! [ATTACH] Release Notes: Main features in version 4.55 update This Size: 324.1 MB; MD5: 9c85ce3a255719d56f2aa07f4be22f02; Links: Download | Installation Instructions.
The following version of the system software is available: Version 4.55 Playstation 4 system software update - This system software update improves the quality of the system performance. PS4 System Update 4.55 (How To Install) **This system software update improves the quality of the system performance. An update to the system software for PlayStation 4 systems was released on 11 April 2017. PlayStation 4: Firmware-Update 4.55 steht zum Download bereit PS4. Nachdem Sony Interactive Entertainment bereits im vergangenen Monat die neue PlayStation 4-Firmware 4.50 veröffentlicht und neue Funktionen wie die Unterstützung von externen Festplatten zur Speicherung von Spielen und Apps integriert hatte, Here's a handy guide covering how to get PS4 game updates on a jailbroken 4.05 OFW or 4.55 OFW console from PlayStation 4 developer @MODDEDWARFARE on his YouTube Channel via Twitter. This comes following a related tutorial on Adding PS4 Game Updates in Packages (PKGs) for those who missed it. Sony gibt die PS4 Firmware 4.55 zum Download frei. Große Änderungen sind nicht zu erwarten. Vielmehr steht mit dem System-Update die Performance der Konsole im Vordergrund. Dem Changelog lässt sich entnehmen, dass die PlayStation 4 Firmware 4.55 die Leistung der Konsole verbessern soll. Details sind nicht bekannt. PS4 System Software 4.55 released Main features in version 4.55 update. This system software update improves the quality of the system performance.:: Manual which hopefully fixes my WiFi issues, too bad because of said WiFi issues it's going to take a good hour to download 324mb edit: IT FIXED THE WIFI PROBLEM! level 2. It's been a few months since their last PS4 OFW update which revealed an Unlimited PSN Gamesharing Hardware Method, and as expected today Sony officially moved the Sasuke 4.50 Beta 4 to a Final PUP release after some minor hiccups along the way! :biggrinxf2: Download: PS4 Firmware 4.50 Update
Download PS4 Update 4.55 Now Here’s what it does. by Chris Carr April 11, 2017, 10:52 am 10k Views. 749. SHARES. Share Tweet Pin It. Sony have released PlayStation 4 update 4.55 after 4.50 caused months of Wi-Fi issues for many users. 4.55 “improves the quality of the system performance” says the official Sony statement on the update. Since their previous update last month, today Sony pushed a PS4 System Software / Firmware 4.55 Update (confirmed as non-mandatory at this time by @VultraBabe) live which appears to be another of their infamous stability updates to 'improve the quality of the system performance' which may fix the WiFi issue and patch exploit holes. How to update your games on a 4.05 or 4.55 Jailbroken PS4. This method is for official games only! It will not work with game backups, only the original disc Sony has released PS4 update 4.55 for users to download from this morning, though unlike the last major software update, there's not much here to get excited about other than some improvements to console performance. Today's tutorial is the first video before I get myself deep into the PS4 jailbreak/web exploit methods. What we will do today is show you using the USB method where to find 4.55 OFW, how to prepare your USB drive, and then install it to your PS4. Once all is said and done, you will have a 4.55 PS4 that is ready for exploiting! Let If your PS4 system software automatic download is stuck, please delete the update and start again: Select (Notifications) from the PS4 function area, highlight the update file and press the OPTIONS button > [Delete]. Next, select (Settings) > [System Software Update].
Well the hacker wrote a webkit but the PS4 browser on 4.50 was to old for the exploit to work. Well Sony updated the browser and from what was said the browser now is recent enough for the webkit to work. Wether or not the 0day kxploit that worked for 4.50 works on 4.55 is not known. 08.03.2018 um 10:09 Uhr von David Martin - Sony gibt die PS4 Firmware 5.50 zum Download frei. Damit erhalten alle Anwender auf PlayStation 4 Zugriff auf das Update und die neuen Features. Zuvor konnten lediglich ausgewählte Beta-Tester die neuen Funktionen ausprobieren. Mit dabei sind Features wie Das Software-Update wird sowohl für die normale PS4, die PS4 Slim als auch die PS4 Pro angeboten werden. Sobald die Downloads offiziell freigegeben wurden, finden Sie die entsprechenden Dateien natürlich in unserem Download-Bereich. Von Sony ausgewählte Beta-Nutzer können die neueste Software stets früher herunterladen. PS4 System Software 4.55 released Main features in version 4.55 update. This system software update improves the quality of the system performance.:: Manual which hopefully fixes my WiFi issues, too bad because of said WiFi issues it's going to take a good hour to download 324mb edit: IT FIXED THE WIFI PROBLEM! level 2. H ps4 firmware 4 55 Download Update firmware APK for android Gingerbread 2.3.3 - 2.3.7 2010 year, android Ice Cream Sandwich 4.0.3 - 4.0.4 2011 year, android Jelly Bean 4.1.x 2012 year, android Jelly Bean 4.2.x 2012 year, android Jelly Bean 4.3 2013 year, android KitKat 4.4 2013 year, android Lollipop 5.0 2014 year, android Lollipop 5.1 2015 PS4 update 5.55 is now available for download. The latest PlayStation 4 firmware update 5.55 has added some new features like custom wallpapers, Play Time management and more. In addition, PS4 version 5.55 also includes various bug fixes and improvements. Read more about PlayStation 4 System Software update 5.55. Download Sony PlayStation 4 Firmware 4.50 - Download the update file, and save it in the "UPDATE" folder you created in step 1. - Follow the screens to complete the update. - If your PS4 system does not recognize the update file, check that the folder names and file name are correct.
Sollte der automatische Download der PS4-Systemsoftware nicht fortgesetzt werden, lösche das Update bitte und starte erneut: Wähle auf dem PS4-Funktionsbereich (Mitteilungen) aus, markiere die Update-Datei und drücke zuerst die OPTIONS-Taste und gehe dann auf [Löschen]. PlayStation 4 Firmware - Update 7.02 Deutsch: Wer Sonys Spielekonsole PlayStation 4 (PS4) aktuell halten will, benötigt die aktuellste Firmware-Version, die wir Ihnen hier zum Download anbieten. Download Sony PlayStation 4 Firmware 4.55 - Download the update file, and save it in the "UPDATE" folder you created in step 1. - Follow the screens to complete the update. - If your PS4 system does not recognize the update file, check that the folder names and file name are correct. Download PS4 Update 4.55 Now Here’s what it does. by Chris Carr April 11, 2017, 10:52 am 10k Views. 749. SHARES. Share Tweet Pin It. Sony have released PlayStation 4 update 4.55 after 4.50 caused months of Wi-Fi issues for many users. 4.55 “improves the quality of the system performance” says the official Sony statement on the update. Since their previous update last month, today Sony pushed a PS4 System Software / Firmware 4.55 Update (confirmed as non-mandatory at this time by @VultraBabe) live which appears to be another of their infamous stability updates to 'improve the quality of the system performance' which may fix the WiFi issue and patch exploit holes. How to update your games on a 4.05 or 4.55 Jailbroken PS4. This method is for official games only! It will not work with game backups, only the original disc
How to fix PS4 disk reading problems in minutes without getting a new disk or a new PS4.